b'Meaghan Laura Valler8 Ana Elisa Zuiga3,6BS, University of MassachusettsAmherst, 2016 BS, University of Central Florida, 2014Areti Zikopoulos Ziyi XiuBA, Drew University, 2017 BS, University of WisconsinMadison, 2013MEd, Harvard Graduate School of Education, 2014MA, Boston College, 20171Denotes Concentration in Children and6 Denotes Concentration in Families of Adversity and Resilience (CFAR) Latino Mental Health2 Denotes Concentration in7 Denotes Concentration inClinical Health Psychology Military Veterans Psychology3 Denotes Concentration in Forensic Psychology 8 Denotes Concentration in4 Denotes Concentration in NeuropsychologyGeropsychology 9 Denotes Concentration in5 Denotes Concentration inAfrican & Caribbean Mental HealthGlobal Mental Health 10Denotes Concentration inAsian Mental HealthTitles of doctoral projects completed by graduates will be placed on the William James College website (www.williamjames.edu)16'
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