LMFT Frequently Asked Questions

Are Marriage and Family Therapists required to have a license to practice?

A license is required in order to practice marriage and family therapy independently. You may practice without a license under the supervision of a licensed mental health provider.

What are the advantages of becoming a licensed marriage and family therapist?

Salaries are generally higher for licensed marriage and family therapists than for people holding a master’s degree without a license. A license is especially helpful if you would like to supervise or hold a leadership position, and a license is required if you want to practice independently and bill insurance companies.

How does one become a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Massachusetts?

Learn more about the 4 steps to getting your LMFT in Massachusetts.

How do I find out the licensure requirements in other US states?

View links to LMFT licensure boards in each state for the most accurate information about requirements.

How does the master's program at William James College prepare for licensure?

Our MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling with an emphasis in Couples and Family Therapy fulfills all the educational and field placement requirements for LMFT in Massachusetts.

How long does it take to become an LMFT?

It depends on how long it takes you to complete a master’s degree (usually 2 or 3 years) and how long it takes you to complete the post-master’s supervised hours and pass the board examination. Most states, including Massachusetts, require you to have a specific number of hours (3,360 in MA) in no less than 2 years. This means that in Massachusetts you may become a LMFT as fast as 4 years from the beginning of your training as long as you pass the board examination during that tim.