Faculty: Gemima St Louis, PhD

Gemima St. Louis, PhD
Professor, Clinical Psychology Department
Vice President for Workforce Initiatives and Specialty Training
Director, HRSA-Funded STAR Fellowship Program
617-327-6777 x1241
Degree | Major/Emphasis | Institution |
PhD | University of Massachusetts Boston | |
Certificate | Women in Education Leadership | Harvard Graduate School of Education |
Research and Practice Interests
- Culturally-responsive interventions for children, adolescents, and families
- School-based clinical programs for youths in underserved communities
- Trauma-informed and evidence-based practices for culturally diverse groups
- Behavioral health workforce development and pipeline programs
- International service learning and capacity-building initiatives
Professional Licenses and Certifications
- Licensed Psychologist, Massachusetts Board of Registration
- Certified Health Service Provider, Massachusetts Board of Registration
Publications and Presentations
- Meyer, M. L., McKenny, M. C., Liddell-Quintyn, E., Nicolas, G., and St. Louis, G. (2021). Racial stress and racialized violence among Black immigrants in the United States. In P. Tummala-Narra (Ed.), Trauma and racial minority immigrants: Turmoil, uncertainty, and resistance (pp. 147-164). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. https://doi.org/10.1037/0000214-001
- St. Louis, G. (2020, October 23). Ill-equipped, underprepared and culturally incompetent: How psychology is failing to educate and train providers to address the behavioral health workforce crisis. Keynote Address delivered at the Annual Meeting of the New England Psychological Association.
- Wolkoff, E., Goodale, R. and St. Louis, G. (2019). Talking to children about race. In G. Macklem and Silva, A. (Eds.). Lessons from school psychology: Practical strategies and evidence-based practice for professionals and parents. London, UK: Routledge.
- St. Louis, G. (2018). Preparing psychology students as global citizens and leaders: Why service learning matters. International Psychology Bulletin, 22(4), 39-41.
- Nicolas, G., St. Louis, G., and Lacet, C. (2016). Building mental health capacity in Haiti through collaborative partnerships. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
- Austin, A., St. Louis, G., Bloom, J., and Jernigan-Noesi, M. (2016, October, 15). Ethnic identity development and the effects of perceived discrimination on the academic achievement of METCO students. Presentation delivered at the Annual Meeting of the New England Psychological Association. Worcester, MA: Assumption College.
- Pierre, J., Bloom, J., St. Louis, G., and Prosper, V. (2016, October 15). Transgenerational transmission of trauma in Haitian families. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the New England Psychological Association. Worcester, MA: Assumption College.
- Lambert, S., Bennasar, M. C., St. Louis, G., Ecker, B., and Rosowsky, E. (2016, January 21). The Role of mentoring in attracting doctoral students to work with underserved populations. Panel presentation delivered at the Mid-Winter Conference of the National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology – “Creating Mentorship Pipelines.” Atlanta, Georgia: Grand Hyatt Hotel Buckhead.
- St. Louis, G., Roizner, M., Gomez, S., Panetta, A., and Kinscherff, R. (2015, August 7). The PATHWAYS Program: An innovative, school-based mental health program for at-risk urban youth. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Toronto, Canada: Toronto Convention Center.
- Bloom, J., and St. Louis, G. (2014, October 16). Surviving against all odds: Coping and resiliency among Haitian immigrants. Presentation delivered at the Annual “On New Shores” Conference. Toronto, Canada: Holiday Inn Hotel.
- St. Louis, G., Pierre-Victor, M. A., Prosper, V., and Lacet, C. (2013, October 19). Haitian immigrants in the U.S. Presentation delivered at the 13th Annual Diversity Challenge Conference. Chestnut Hill, MA: Boston College.
Concurrent Leadership, Service and Professional Activities
- Alum, American Psychological Association, Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology
- Member and Co-Founder, Haitian Mental Health Network
Prior Experience
- Co-Director, Center for Multicultural & Global Mental Health, William James College
- Director & Founder, Concentration in African & Caribbean Mental Health, William James College
- Director, The PATHWAYS Program, William James College
- Director of Mental Health Training and Research, The SPARK Center at Boston Medical Center
- Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics, Boston University School of Medicine
- Clinical Director, Center for Community Health, Education and Research
- Instructor, Boston College, Lynch School of Education
- Consulting Psychologist and Clinical Supervisor, Children’s Services of Roxbury
Professional Affiliations
- Member, American Psychological Association (APA)
- Member, APA Division 45 (Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity, and Race)
- Member, APA Division 52 (International Psychology)
- Member, APA Division 53 (Clinical Child Psychology)