Faculty: Kymberlee O'Brien, MEd, PhD

Kymberlee O'Brien, MEd, PhD
Assistant Professor, Organizational and Leadership Psychology Department
Adjunct Faculty, Clinical Psychology Department
Faculty, Neuroscience of Leadership Psychology Concentration
Degree | Institution |
PhD | Brandeis University |
MEd | Fitchburg State College |
Postdoctoral Research Fellow | Univeristy of Massachusetts–Boston/Harvard Medical School |
- Functional Neuroanatomy
- Neuroscience of Leadership
- Neuroscience of Leadership Lab
- Capstone 1
- Consultation
- First Year Seminar
Research and Practice Interests
- Neuroscience of Leadership and research lab (research design)
- Neuroscience of Prejudice
- Psychophysiology of Stress and intergroup relations
- Epigenetics related to cultural and social bias and personal and organizational behavior change
- DEI consultant in delivering implicit bias reduction training
- Neurohack-content and practice to apply neurofeedback for behavioral and psychological change
- Developing a Consultation practice, setting fees, branding, pitching, etc.
- Finding and applying for grants in OD, Neuroscience, and mental health domains
- Research on chronic stress of discrimination and microaggressions
Professional Licenses and Certifications
- Society for Psychophysiological Research
- Data Analysis Training Institute of Connecticut, UCONN Workshops, CT
- Structural Equation Modeling
- Dyadic Data Analysis Using Multilevel Modeling IBM
- P.I. O’Brien, C.I. Merrit. Eradicating implicit bias; a pilot study for teachers and high school POC. DOE, Esser funding. 2021-22.
- P.I. O’Brien “An epigenetic investigation of social devaluation influences on glucocorticoid and oxytocin receptors.” National Institutes of Health via Rhode Island InBre, biomedical grant (2018-2020).
- P.I. O’Brien “Investigating acute and chronic stress related to microaggressions as a mechanism of health disparities,” Society for Personality and Social Psychology: Inaugural Small Grant Award, 2016.
- CO-I: O’Brien, Moore, and Lapp, “Role of oxytocin in coping with social stress: moderated by early life stress,” UMass Boston: College of Liberal Arts grant, 2015-2017.
- P.I. O’Brien,” Transmission of Discrimination-Related Stress Reactivity and Reduction from Mother to Infant,” American Psychological Foundation Visionary Award, 2013-2015.
- NIMHD: NIH, Loan Repayment Program for Research in Health Disparities, 2012-2014.
- Harvard University, Sackler Scholar in Psychobiology, 2011-2012.
- “Embodied Bias: Psychophysiological Methods in Assessing Infrahumanization of Out-group members,” International Society for Developmental Psychobiology/ University of Wisconsin, Health and Emotion Psychiatry Symposium, 2011-2013.
- “Moral Certainty under Stress: Psychophysiological and Social Stress Influences on Moral Judgments,” American Psychological Association Dissertation Award, 2010.
- Brandeis Provost Dissertation Award, 2010.
- Brandeis University Prize Instructorship award for outstanding graduate students to design and instruct a specialty course: Psychophysiology, 2009.
Publications and Presentations
- O’Brien and Tronick (2021), Neuroendocrine Associations with Chronic Social Discrimination. Under Review.
- Romero and O’Brien (2021), Are Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives Missing the Mark for Females in STEM? Under Review.
- O’Brien, (2021). Additive Effects of Social Devaluation on Multiple Domains of Health. Under Review.
- O’Brien, Tronick, and Moore, (2018). Maternal Education Influences on Lifetime Alterations in the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal-Axis. In Preparation, 2018.
- O’Brien, Meyer, Tronick, and Moore, (2017). Hair Cortisol and Lifetime Discrimination;
Moderation by
Subjective Social Status. Health Psychology Open, 4(1), 2055102917695176 - O'Brien, K. M., Tronick, E. Z., and Moore, C. L. (2013). Relationship between hair cortisol and perceived chronic stress in a diverse sample. Stress and Health, 29(4), 337-344.
- O’Brien, K. M. (2012). Healthy, wealthy, wise? Psychosocial factors influencing the socioeconomic status–health gradient. Journal of Health Psychology, 17(8), 1142-1151.
- O’Brien, Afzal, and Tronick, (2012). Relational psychophysiology and mutual regulation during dyadic therapeutic and developmental relating. Interdisciplinary Handbook of the Person-Centered Approach: Connections Beyond Psychotherapy, Eds. Jef Cornelius-White, Renate Motschnig, and Michael Lux.
- O’Brien, (2011). Moral Certainty under Stress: Psychophysiological and Social Stress influences on SocioMoral Judgments. Proquest Dissertation Services.
Select Published Abstracts
- Merritt and O’Brien (2021). Social devaluation and implicit bias reduction; objective and subjective indicators on highschooler academic performance.
- Dietrich, Otoo, Coogan, Bedard, and O’Brien (2017). The Physiological and Psychological Stress Associated with Perceived Microaggressions. APS.
- Eldeeb, Romero, and O’Brien (2017). Effects of Positive Regard and Induced Social Stress on Cognitive Function: A Psychophysiological Perspective. UMass Center for Clinical and Translational Science Research Retreat.
- Nagatti, Anina, Daigle, and O’Brien (2016). Physiological and Social Stress on Cognitive Performance. UMass Center for Clinical and Translational Science Research Retreat.
- Lapp, Moore, and O’Brien (2015). Maternal Education on Lifetime Vulnerabilities for Chronic Stress and Heightened Physiological Reactions to Stress. International Journal of Developmental Psychobiology.
- Lapp, Power, Moore, and O’Brien(2014). Self-esteem Influences on Multiple Domains: Stress, Health, Mood, and Social Identity. UMass Center for Clinical and Translational Science Research Retreat.
- O’Brien and Moore (2014). Mediating Factors between Early Adversity and Chronic Illnesses. International Journal of Developmental Psychobiology.
- O’Brien and Moore (2013). Biomarkers of Stress and Inflammation. International Journal of Developmental Psychobiology.
- O’Brien, Thompson, Tronick, and Moore (2014). Objective and Subjective Stress Differences: Foreign Born and U.S. Native Adults in Boston Communities. UMass Center for Clinical and Translational Science Research Retreat.
- O’Brien and Moore (2012). Racial and Socioeconomic Disparities in Biological and Perceived Chronic Stress: Does Group Identification Matter? UMass Center for Clinical and Translational Science Research Retreat.
- O’Brien, Wingfield, and Rohleder (2011). Low Vagal Tone and Stress on Threat Perceptions in SocioMoral Judgments. Psychophysiology, 48 (supplement 1).
- O’Brien, Koslov, Argo, and Mendes (2010). Embodied Bias: Explicit attitudes and Psychophysiology during Arab/White intergroup interactions. Observer.
Select Presentations
- O’Brien, Emerson College: “Hair Cortisol and Chronic Social Discrimination” 2021
- O’Brien, “How STEM initiatives may be missing the#MetToo/Times Up Mark for Female and Minority Students in STEM”. 2018 National Women in Leadership Conference/Diversity Council.
- O’Brien, Model UN via Knovva Academy: International education company providing worldwide training excellence in global competency.
- O’Brien, “Additive Effects of Social Devaluation on Multiple Domains of Health” Infant-Parent Mental Health Program, Dr. E.Z. Tronick, UMass Boston/Guest Lecture, 2017.
- O’Brien, “Mental Health, Microaggressions, and Self-care”, Worcester Polytechnic Institute/National Society Black Engineers, 2017.
- O’Brien, “Microaggressions: what are the relationships between subtle social devaluation on health, wellness, and academic performance?” Worcester Polytechnic Institute/Can We Talk Series, 2017.
- Cyran, Leach, Perkins, Copeland, and O'Brien, “Psychological Stress and Physiological Responses: How Both Affect Cognition”, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 2017.
- Lapp, O’Brien, and Moore, “Exploring the Development of Resilience to Adverse Effects of Social Stress on Health”, UMass Boston/Office of Health Disparities Research and Training, 2016.
- O’Brien and Moore, “Discrimination, Affect Solidarity, and Biomarkers of Stress and Inflammation”, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, 2014.
- O’Brien and Moore, “Health Disparities in Biological and Perceived Chronic Stress: Protections and Vulnerabilities”, Washington, DC/Summit on Health Disparities, 2013.
- O’Brien and Mendes, “Embodied Bias: Psychophysiological Methods in Assessing Infrahumanization of Out-group members”, University of Wisconsin/Health and Emotion Psychiatry Symposium, 2012.
- O’Brien and Moore, “Polyvictimization and the Development of Physiological Stress Systems as Intermediaries of Pathophysiology”, International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, 2011.
- O’Brien and Rohleder, “Low Vagal tone and Threat perceptions predict refusal to harm others in high conflict dilemmas”, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, 2011.
- O’Brien, Wingfield, and Rohleder, “It’s Not all downhill from here: Attenuated Autonomic Reactivity with Age and Moral Stability under Stress”, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, 2011.
- O’Brien and Mendes, “Psychophysiological Measures of Implicit Racial Bias between White and Arab Americans.” Harvard Kennedy School of Government, 2010.
Concurrent Leadership, Service and Professional Activities
- Curriculum Committee, Organizational and Leadership Psychology
- Research Committee, Organizational and Leadership Psychology
Prior Experience
- University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, MA
- Postdoctoral Fellow in Developmental Psychobiology
- Research Associate in Psychology
- Consulting on statistical analysis for epigenetic and psychophysical studies on early life adversity, stress, and biomarkers
- Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, Co-Investigator in Harvard Health and Psychophysiology Lab and Kennedy School Decision Sciences
- Research Assistant in Harvard Health and Psychophysiology Lab
- Research Assistant, Harvard School of Public Health
Professional Affiliations
- University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, MA
- Emerson College
- Northeastern University
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Harvard Kennedy School
- Harvard Health and Psychophysiology Lab
Community Involvement
- Research Director and Consultant with Sankofa Synergy Alliance, developing and implementing evidence-based implicit bias reduction training.
- Director of Neuophysiology Research Lab