Faculty: Lindsey Davis, PhD

Lindsey Davis, PhD
Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychology Department
Faculty, Children and Families of Adversity and Resilience Concentration
Faculty, LGBTQIA+ Studies Concentration
Faculty, Forensic Psychology Concentration
Degree | Major/Emphasis | Institution | Year |
PhD | Clinical Psychology | The Graduate Center of the City University of New York | 2018 |
MA | Forensic Psychology | John Jay College of Criminal Justice | 2011 |
BA | Psychological and Brain Sciences | Dartmouth College | 2005 |
- Introduction to Clinical Practice I and II
- Social Bases of Behavior
- LGBTQIA+ Intersectionality, Public Policy, and Advocacy
- APA Prep
Research and Practice Interests
- Microaggressions and Discrimination
- Hate Crime
- Serial and Sexual Homicide
- LGBTQ+ Issues and Experiences
- Parole Board Decision-Making
- Child Custody Evaluations
- Risk Assessment
- Juvenile Justice Evaluations
Professional Licenses and Certifications
- Licensed Psychologist, MA and NY (2020 – Present)
Publications and Presentations
Selected Publications:
- Davis, L. S., and Crain, E. (2024). Intimate partner violence in the LGBTQ+ community: Implications for parenting and co-parenting. Invited paper for special issue of Family Court Review. [Manuscript in preparation.]
- Crain, E., Davis, L. S., St. Louis, G., Overbey, D., Kline, H., Robertson, I., Carrasco, S., Meade, G., and Alvarez, L. (2024). “Are you supposed to be here?”: Formerly incarcerated men of color navigating positions of authority. Invited paper for special issue of the Journal of Social Issues. [Manuscript in preparation.]
- Davis, L. S., and Stahl, P. (2023). Identifying and managing evaluator biases in child custody evaluations. Invited paper for special issue of Family Court Review. [Manuscript accepted for publication.]
- Narine, K. O., Chang, C., Ho, E., Francis, C., Davis, L., and Vuky, C. (2022). Call to action: Mobilizing clinical psychology programs to support AAPI trainees through an anti-racism framework. The Behavior Therapist, 45(4), 142-147.
- Davis, L. S. (2022). Ask the Experts: 5 Ways Microaggressions Cause Harm and 5 Ways to Fight Back. AFCC Newsletter, 17(3). files.constantcontact.com/6beb60a3701/70a5e71d-68a7-4b88-8ab1-7db9b42bda24.pdf
- Davis, L. S., García-Leeds, C., Youngman, Y., Rothery, C., and Grafsky, E. (2022). Stress from microaggressions and discrimination: A focus on Asian American, African American, Latina/o/x, and queer families. In Treating contemporary families: Toward a more inclusive clinical practice. (pp. 29-60). American Psychological Association.
- Nadal, K. L., Griffin, K., Wong, Y., Davidoff, K., and Davis, L. S. (2017). The injurious relationship between racial microaggressions and physical health: Implications for social work. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 26(1-2), 6-17.
- Nadal, K. L., Whitman, C. N., Davis, L. S., Erazo, T., and Davidoff, K. C. (2016). Microaggressions toward lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and genderqueer people: A review of the literature. The Journal of Sex Research, 53(4-5), 488-508.
- Davis, L. S., Whitman, C., and Nadal, K. L. (2015). Microaggressions in the workplace: Recommendations for best practices. In Paludi, M., et al. (Eds.), Sexual Harassment in Educational and Work Settings: Current Research and Best Practices for Prevention (pp. 135-156). Praeger.
- Nadal, K. L., Davidoff, K. C., Davis, L. S., and Wong, Y. L. (2014). Emotional, behavioral, and cognitive reactions to microaggressions: Transgender perspectives. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 1(1), 72-81.
- Davis, L. S., and Schlesinger, L. B. (2012, 2016, 2022). Animal cruelty, firesetting, and homicide. In M. P. Brewster and C. L. Reyes (Eds.), Animal cruelty and the criminal justice system. Carolina Academic Press.
Selected Presentations:
- Davis, L. S., and Cohen, L. (2022, May). Understanding and supporting LGBTQ+ youth in the family courts. Presented at the 2022 Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Conference. Chicago, IL.
- Davis, L. S. (2019, October). Working with transgender youth in the family court system. Workshop presented at the 2019 Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Conference. Pittsburgh, PA.
- Davis, L. S. (Chair and Discussant), Stults, C., Hatchel, T., Scheer, J., and Poteat, P. (2019, August). Victimization of LGBTQ+ youth: Who, what, how, and what to do about it. Panel presented at the 2019 American Psychological Association Convention. Chicago, IL.
- Davis, L. S. (2019, March). Bias-motivated homicide: Toward a new typology. Paper presented at the 2019 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference. Portland, OR.
- Davis, L. S. (2015, August). Assumed criminality of Black Americans. Paper presented at the 2015 American Psychological Association Convention. Toronto, Canada.
- Davis, L. S. (2015, March). Reconceptualizing “gay panic” and “trans panic” as hate crimes. Paper presented at the 2015 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference. San Diego, CA.
- Davis, L. S. (2012, June). Sexual homicide of children. Paper presented at the John Jay College International Justice Conference. New York, NY.
- Davis, L. S. (2012, March). Getting away with murder: Correlates of prolific serial sexual homicide. Poster presented at the 2012 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference. San Juan, PR.
- Davis, L. S. (2012, March). Victim-offender relationships and crime scene behavior correlates in serial and single-victim sexual homicide. Paper presented at the 2012 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference. San Juan, PR.
Concurrent Leadership, Service and Professional Activities
- Part-time Instructor, Harvard University – 2020 – Present (Intergroup Conflict, Power and Privilege in Systems, Power and Privilege in Criminal Justice, Psychology and Criminal Law)
- Editorial Board, Family Court Review – 2022 – Present
- Private Practice/Clerkship Supervisor – 2020 – Present
Prior Experience
- Adjunct Professor, John Jay College of Criminal Justice – 2012-2020 (Introduction to Psychology, Criminal Behavior, Personality Theory, Lifespan Development, Psychology of Adolescence, Psychological Analysis of Criminal Behavior and the Criminal Justice System)
- Post-doctoral Fellow, Center of Excellence for Children, Families, and the Law – 2018-2019
Professional Affiliations
- American Psychological Association (APA)
- American Psychology-Law Association (APA Division 41)
- Society for the Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity (APA Division 44)
- Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (APA Division 9)
- World Professional Organization for Transgender Health (WPATH)
- Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC)
Invited Talks and Panels
- 2019 - William James College Brown Bag – Newton, MA
- An introduction to trans* mental health
- 2017 - Ephesus Seventh-Day Adventist Church Community Health Symposium – Harlem, NY
- Keeping your pitcher full: Caring for yourself so that you can care for others
- 2017 - Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center Grand Rounds – Bronx, NY
- Best practices for the care of the transgender patient
- 2016 - The Patrick School Honor Society Induction Keynote – Irvington, NJ
- Taking risks and learning from failure
- 2014 -John Jay College Masters’ Student Research Group Panel – New York, NY
- Applying to doctoral programs
- 2013 -John Jay College Psychology Department Panel – New York, NY
- Applying to graduate school
Community Involvement
- Member of Clinical Department Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (2019-Present)
- Member of Academic Policies and Standards Committee (2020-Present)
- Faculty Presenter for ACES Introductory and Advanced Microaggressions Trainings (2020-Present)