Faculty: Steven Barreto, PhD

Steven Barreto, PhD
Associate Professor, Clinical Psychology Department
Faculty, Children and Families of Adversity and Resilience Concentration
Degree |
Major/Emphasis |
Institution |
PhD |
Clinical Psychology |
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
MA |
Sociology |
University of Michigan |
BA |
Sociology |
Stanford University |
- Family Therapy (research and practice)
- Clinical Practice Seminar (Year 2), Practice Based Learning
Research and Practice Interests
- Family therapy (integrated practices, assessment, and outcome measurements)
- Children with serious emotional disturbance (trauma, coping)
- Digital peer harassment/aggression and family communication
- Juvenile fire-starting (multiple family group evidenced-bases intervention)
- School-based assessment of emotional disturbance and resilience among children of
Professional Licenses and Certifications
- Associate Professor (Clinical) Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Department
of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- Licensed Psychologist, State of Rhode Island (PS00589)
- Henrietta Leonard Award for Excellence in Teaching, Alpert Medical School, Brown University,
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2010)
Publications and Presentations
- Guest Editor, Special Issue ( upcoming 2022), APA Journal, Practice Innovations (Clinical Complexity)
- Barreto, S.J., Zeff, K., Boekamp, J.R., and Paccione-Dyszlewski, M. (2016). Fire behavior
in children and adolescents. In A. Martin and F. Volkmar (Eds.), Lewis’s child and adolescent psychiatry: A comprehensive textbook, 5th Edition. Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams and Wilkins: Philadelphia.
- Bodzy, M., Barreto, S.J., Swenson, L., Liguori, G., Costea, O.G. (2015) Self-Reported
Psychopathology, Trauma Symptoms and Emotion Coping Among Child Suicide Attempters
and Ideators: An Exploratory Study of Young Children. Archives of Suicide Research.
- Barreto, Adams, and Daly (2014) Windows of Opportunity: Family Systems Theory and
Developmental Considerations for Supporting Youth, Parents and Clinicians in the Digital
Age. Journal of Youth Development: Bridging Research and Practice, 9:1.
- Barreto, S.J., Boekamp, J.R., Armstrong, L.M. and Gillen, P. (2004) Community-Based
Interventions for Juvenile Firestarters: A Brief Family-Centered Model, Psychological Services, 1, 158-168.
- Barreto, S. J. and McManus, M. (1998) Casting the Net for “Depression” Among Ethnic
Minority Children from High Risk Urban Communities, Clinical Psychology Review.
- Dornbusch, S., Carlsmith, M., Barreto, S. (formerly Bushwall), Ritter, P., Leiderman,
B., Hastorf, A., and Gross (1985) Single Parents, Extended Households, and the Control
of Adolescents, Child Development, 56, 326-341.
Prior Experience
- Senior Psychologist, Family Therapy Program, Rhode Island Hospital and Brown University,
Department of Psychiatry
- Member of the Clinical Training Faculty of the Brown University Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry and Psychology Fellowship Training Programs
- Senior Psychologist, Bradley Pediatric Partial Hospital and Children's Partial Programs
- Psychology Coordinator, Children's Inpatient Unit, Bradley Children's Psychiatric
- Clinical Director, Exeter House Residential Program
- Co-Director Bradlery Hospital Firesafe Families Program
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the University of Michigan (child and family therapy and
child custody evaluation).
- Postdoctoral Fellowship (APA Accredited) at Brown University's Department of Psychiatry
and Human Behavior and Bradley Children's Psychiatry Hospital (ADHD and Children and
Families in Residential Treatment)
Professional Affiliations
- American Psychological Association (Member since 1990)
- Member APA Division 43 Couple and Family Therapy
Community Involvement
- Advocate for Marriage Equality, State of Rhode Island (drafted professional association
statements adopted by RI Psychological Association; testified to state senate committee).
- Founding member, Diversity Committee, Brown University Department of Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry (Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology Training Program)
- Work Group on Bullying and Suicide, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
- Governing Board Member Rhode Island Juvenile Firesetting Coalition (2006)
- Singer and Board Member, Rhode Island Civic Chorale