Fundamentals of Global Mental Health I

COU GM510 - Fundamentals of Global Mental Health I

Credits: 3

The Fundamentals of GMH I, II are the two major courses that run through fall and spring semester respectively that provide an overview of the basic principles and practice of Global Mental Health. This course, GMH I, will address epidemiologically the magnitude of the mental health problems related to violence, reviewing the classic research studies published over the past 50 years. The GMH I will follow in its scientific and social cultural presentations the eight dimensions of the Global Mental Health Action Plan that were created by the Ministers of Health from the worlds post conflict/ conflict countries in Rome in 2004. The GMH Action Plan is a historic document that provides evidence and culture based road map for the development, delivery, and evaluation of health and mental health services for traumatized people and their communities worldwide. The new Global Mental Health Trauma and Recovery; A Companion Guide for Field and Clinic Care of Traumatized People Worldwide will be one of the primary textbooks for this course.