
SCH PA600 - Social-Emotional Assessment

Credits: 3

This course covers the history and use of personality and social-emotional measures with children and adolescents. The focus is on assessing social and emotional aspects of individuals with reference both to familial and cultural context and to traditional notions of emotional impairment and psychiatric diagnosis. Students learn methods of observation and interview as well as objective measures (e.g., BASC II, ASEBA, Conners 3, CDI, MMPI-A) and projective measures (e.g., drawings, sentence completion, structured story telling). Projective and objective measures are compared and contrasted with respect to value and appropriate use of each. Impact of cultural, linguistic, and socioeconomic factors are addressed. Legal and ethical implications are explored. Supervised experience in social-emotional assessment is arranged through the concurrent Practicum III. Open only to students in the MA/CAGS program in School Psychology or the doctoral program in School Psychology.