Advanced Integrated Assessment: Adult

CLI PA801 - Advanced Integrated Assessment: Adult

Credits: 3

Building on previous assessment courses offered in the curriculum, Advanced Integrated Assessment: Adult focuses on developing intermediate to advanced competency in applied psychological assessment with adults in multiple clinical arenas. Students develop proficiency in applying multi-method psychological assessment to real-world clinical problems, and incorporate a trans-theoretical model of psychological functioning as a means of integrating multiple data sources in arriving at differential diagnosis. Students further develop competency in all aspects of the assessment process, including: managing appropriate referral questions and planning corresponding test batteries; obtaining informed consent, with a clear understanding of ethical and legal issues; administering comprehensive, yet targeted clinical interviews; assessing suicide and violence risk in the immediate clinical encounter; evaluating mental status; and interpreting / integrating multi-method, multi-source test data into a comprehensive psychological report, with corresponding treatment recommendations and feedback to the clinical team. The course also reviews specific clinical topics including: adapting the assessment process to accommodate complex profiles and legal and ethical issues in psychological assessment. Prerequisite: PA602.