Clinical and Counseling Students, Alumni, and Faculty Attend the American Psychology-Law Society Conference

Students, alumni, and faculty from the Clinical Psychology and Clinical Mental Health Counseling programs attended the annual AP-LS conference in Los Angeles last week to present their research to mental health and legal professionals from around the world.
The Juvenile Justice Research and Policy Lab led by Dr. Tracy Fass and Dr. Kimberly Larson gave five (5) presentations:
The Effects of Eyewitness Age and Role on Credibility and Jurors’ Verdicts
- Shyanne Jackson, MA
- Tracy L. Fass, JD, PhD
- Terrie Burda, PsyD
- Megan Purgavie, BA

The Effects of Subject of Pretrial Publicity, Media Source, and Political Beliefs on Verdict
- Chelsea Palmer, MA
- Tracy L. Fass, JD, PhD
- Terrie Burda, PsyD

Impact of Power Differential on Juror Identification of Sexual Assault
- Maeve Cardwell, MA
- Tracy L. Fass, JD, PhD
- Paola Contreras, PsyD

Public Opinion of Legally Involved Individuals who Experience Serious Mental Illness
- Victoria Stout, MA
- Tracy L. Fass, JD, PhD
- Terrie Burda, PsyD

The Kids’ Court School Competency Remediation Program: Overview and Update on Analyses of Efficacy
- Rebecca Nathanson, PhD
- Kimberly Larson, JD, PhD
- Jennifer Fletcher, MA
- Tracy L. Fass, JD, PhD

Two additional WJC students presented:
Assessing Initial Psychometric Properties of the Massachusetts Incompetence to Stand Trial Questionnaire – Spanish Version with Simulator Participants
- Rebecca Rivas, MA

Examining the Impact of Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) on Mental Health Preparedness among an Urban Police Population
- Stella Black, MA

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- Katie O'Hare
- Senior Director of Marketing
- 617-564-9389