Minor in Behavioral Health

Behavior Health

Pursue a career in counseling, human services, psychology or social work

The Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Human Services (blended pathway only) offers a Minor in Behavioral Health. This minor is designed to provide in-depth of study for those interested in pursuing careers in counseling, human services, psychology or social work. The courses provide experiential practice in basic listening skills and provide a full semester practicum experience. Students will have exposure to ethical standards in both human services and psychology, and will assume and ecological perspective in understanding mental health and wellness. Trauma, crisis interventions and resilience will provide opportunities to develop a greater understanding of trauma-informed care and the importance of strength based interventions in all human service settings.

The 60 credit Bachelor's completion program consists of 42 core credits, consisting of 15 credits in human services, 15 credits of psychology, 6 credits of science (with an optional 1 credit lab), 3 credits of sociology, and 6 credits of math. There is one open, unrestricted elective.  The remaining 15 credits are meaningfully clustered into minor areas of study. 

Students must be in the blended model, and can enroll AFTER they complete the first semester of their first year.

For more information, please contact kerri_augusto@williamjames.edu

Offered as a Minor in our BS in Psychology and Human Services

(Blended Pathway Only)
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Curriculum Overview

Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Human Services Required Courses:

Behavioral Health General Track Required Courses:

One of the following rotating electives:

Program Director

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Kerri Agusto.

Kerri Augusto, PhDKerri Augusto, PhD

Associate Professor, BS in Psychology and Human Services
Director, Undergraduate Studies
