William James College News

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William James College to Host Panel Discussion About Hiring and Mentoring Veterans

Media Advisory/Press Release

Geriatric Volunteer Corps (GVC) Hosts Coleman House Visitors

On October 20, 2015, enthusiastic members of the Geriatric Volunteer Corps (GVC) welcomed our neighbors from across the street, Coleman House

Mental Competency still a murky concept

William James College's Dr. Jason Osher was featured in an article in Fortune Magazine. He discussed the difficulty in defining competency and how Mental Competency tests in the C-suite are common. The article focuses on Sumner Redstone, the 92 year-old executive chairman of Viacom. Osher highlights...

Threads of racial bias may be entangled in computer models for child protection

The Boston Globe, Letter to the Editor

Managing Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities are common among children and adults, affecting an estimated 5 to 10% of the population with varying levels of severity. Learning disabilities are characterized by specific difficulties with aspects of formal learning, such as reading, math, and writing, despite otherwise normal...

Valuing Your Value

Values determine the choices, actions and attitudes we bring to our lives. They determine what we care about and what gives our lives meaning. Research

Coping with Depression

Sadness is a part of every life. We all have losses or disappointments that make us sad

Appreciating Diversity: Living in a Multicultural World

In a global economy, diversity is a given and cultural awareness is essential. Diversity is the mosaic of people whose varied backgrounds, styles, perspectives


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