William James College News

Category Listing

Positive Psychology: Cultivating Strengths

Positive Psychology is the scientific study of what makes life worth living by exploring the positive emotions, thought, behavior patterns, and relationships that contribute to human flourishing. Positive psychology is not about being happy all of the time, but rather about valuing positive emotions,...

Recognizing and Responding to Domestic Violence

Domestic violence expresses itself in many ways. Among the most common are physical aggression, emotional or psychological threats or intimidation, and

Spirituality in Daily Living

It is not uncommon for people to feel a lack of meaning in their lives, whether following a difficult life event, reaching middle age or just plain too


Many of us provide help to older, ill or disabled friends or family members, thereby becoming caregivers. While we are often authentically willing to help out

I am getting divorced. Do I need a GAL, and what is that?Research & Advocacy

In Massachusetts, a “GAL” (Guardian ad Litem) is a person (in the past often an attorney but at present almost always a PhD/PsyD psychologist or LICSW) who is appointed by a court.

Surf Your Anxiety

Our bodies have an emergency system that does a wonderful job helping us survive life- threatening situations. It works automatically and involves the

Do What You Love, Love What You Do

As the quote from Confucius implies, finding an occupation that one loves has been linked to occupational satisfaction. But how does one find such an occupation

Things to Know About Diversity

Whether you're looking to build relationships with others from whom you differ, create a workplace that's inclusive of people from different backgrounds

Parenting Advice and Support

Parenthood can bring joy and sorrow. It can make one feel proud, tired, bored, and overwhelmed - sometimes all at once. It is the most important, most wonderful, and most difficult job ever.

Technology, Children, and the Internet

A recent national survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 8-18 year-olds spend an average of 7 hours and 38 minutes using media across a typical


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