William James College News

Category Listing

Independence Day can be a difficult time for veterans with PTSD

Fox 25 News Boston

Divorce Can Impact Children's Weight


Organizational psychology cited as 'fast growing' job

New England Psychologist

School counselor pitches counseling referral service

Nashoba Publishing Community news

To MA Gubernatorial Candidates on Mental Health: What About Children?

At last night's MSPP ( Massachusetts School for Professional Psychology) sponsored Gubernatorial Forum on Mental Health there was much talk among all

Gubernatorial candidates sound off on mental health

The Boston Globe

Gubernatorial candidates debate issues in mental health-focused forum

With NPR's Tom Ashbrook at the center, Democratic and Republican gubernatorial candidates sat down together for the first time on Wednesday night for a discussion on mental health. Hosted by the Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology, the forum was more discussion than debate. Ashbrook asked...

William James College Announces 34th Commencement

Kenneth Feinberg of One-Fund Boston to be Speaker


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