William James College News

Category Listing

Facilitating Your Teen's Transition Into College

Few events are as poignant (and anxiety provoking) for parents as seeing a child off to college. Transitioning into college is a gradual process that


Bullying is aggressive behavior that is usually repeated, involves a power imbalance, and occurs with a goal to cause harm.

Preventing Violence Among Adolescents and Young Adults

Violent acts committed by youth are complex and often misunderstood phenomena. For example, many believe that rates of violent crime committed by youth

Soliciting and Using Feedback

It’s really hard to see ourselves as others see us, and this can be a serious liability for individuals such as leaders, whose effectiveness depends on

When there is an Illness in the Family

The diagnosis of a chronic or life threatening illness in a family can pose significant challenges for the patient and for the entire family. Initially

Surf Your Anxiety

Our bodies have an emergency system that does a wonderful job helping us survive life- threatening situations. It works automatically and involves the

Successful Aging

Getting older has its challenges. The iconic bumper sticker “Old age is not for sissies” had it right. It’s not. The good news is that older adults are

Seeking Counseling

All of us go to see a physician and a dentist on a regular basis for preventative care and/or when we have physical and dental pain. So it is only natural

Using The Arts To Enhance Your Life

All of us look for ways of staying well in mind and body, and the arts can be a wonderful means of connecting our body with our mind. Art forms such as

Valuing Your Value

Values determine the choices, actions and attitudes we bring to our lives. They determine what we care about and what gives our lives meaning. Research


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